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The Architect’s Treasure

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories ENJOY!!!! *********************************************************************** Samuel was a renowned Architect throughout the country. All his life he had built many beautiful houses and structures. He was famous for his unique and beautiful designs and thinking. He and his company had won many awards and titles. He was one of the best in his profession. Samuel was a tall and muscular person. He was in his early fifties but was fit. He had blue eyes and some grey hair. He had a stunning personality with long beard and perfectly fitting clothes. One could easily consider him as an actor. He started his Architect profession when was twenty-two years old. All his life he dedicated it to designs and Architect. He was not married and was also not planning to. But he was thinking of retirement. He thought that his mind has given out all his ideas and it has come to the best of ideas

Trapped in Ego: Story of two well-diggers

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories



Once upon a time in a large and prosperous village their lived two well-diggers. The village was prosperous as the soil was best for crops and plants to grow and produce a maximum number of fruits and vegetables according to their capacity. The environment and climate of that village were so peaceful and calm that anyone who visits it doesn’t want to return. The domestic animals in that village were also very happy as they were getting the proper amount of food that too with nutritious value and due to which they were producing the best quality of products for the farmers and villagers. There was also no shortage of water in that village as the groundwater in that village was not very deep, if the ground was dug for it they can find water very easily.

In that same village came to two well-diggers Ramesh and Suresh from a nearby village. Both of them were muscular and tough. Perfect people for digging the well and the village was large enough for both of them to get the job and survive.

But they were poor and were making their ends meet as there was little in that profession. The villagers use to pay them according to the level of the well they dig and as the water was not very far away from the earth's surface, they didn’t get enough money to save and prosper. They were just getting their daily bread and surviving to the end of days.

Ramesh, on one hand, was an honest and hardworking man with a positive attitude towards life who use to think that one day all this hard work will pay off and he will settle for sure. On the other hand, Suresh wanted to get rich fast and settle and can do anything to make that dream come true.

There was a bridge at one end of the village with which the businessman and farmers use to cross to go to the bigger cities and also sell their crops and do other business. It was a busy path and many villagers use to cross that bridge once or twice a week.

As many wealthy villagers used that bridge, so Suresh thought of a plan to rob them differently. He used to dig a hole in some way and a little bit near the bridge and whenever anyone tries to cross that bridge used to fall in that hole. As Suresh was strong and well-built, he used to carry them out on his shoulder but in a certain condition that the villagers will have to pay him half of their wealth. The innocent and afraid villagers use to pay him as they wanted their lives to be saved first. Suresh use to close that hole and again dig another whenever needed in a planned manner.

This plan of Suresh worked and he accumulated more wealth and riches to be spent in his entire lifetime. He was living like a king and even trained some apprentice of his to do the same. They use to dig holes and trap villagers from the nearby villages and demand money for the same. They use to give most of the amount to Suresh as he was strong among them and his apprentice was also afraid of him.

One day the apprentices came to Suresh to talk about one of the richest men in the village and how they were not able to trap him in that hole. One by one all the apprentices told the incident to Suresh. Each one of them had tried to make a better hole than the other but was not able to trap that man. That man was Ramesh as he was also well built and trained like Suresh, he use to climb out of that hole without the help of anyone. When Suresh left the village there was only one well-digger left in the entire village and nearby villages. So Ramesh worked very hard day and night and even trained and hired some of his apprentices and made his fortune. Ramesh was now one of the richest people in that village.

But Suresh felt like that his apprentices were not digging the hole too big and deep as till now no one was able to climb out of the hole dug by him. So he took this incident on his ego and didn’t even tell his apprentices about the plan and wanted to show them how the job is done. He worked day and night for five days to dig a hole that was too deep and wide. The trap was too deep that know even he cannot climb out of it. He tried several times to get out of it but it was of no use. In the end, he died due to thirst and hunger.

Moral: Never use your talent to hurt others. Use your strength and intelligence in the right way. Your ego will be the doom of yourself, so be humble and hardworking and one day you will be rewarded


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