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The Architect’s Treasure

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories ENJOY!!!! *********************************************************************** Samuel was a renowned Architect throughout the country. All his life he had built many beautiful houses and structures. He was famous for his unique and beautiful designs and thinking. He and his company had won many awards and titles. He was one of the best in his profession. Samuel was a tall and muscular person. He was in his early fifties but was fit. He had blue eyes and some grey hair. He had a stunning personality with long beard and perfectly fitting clothes. One could easily consider him as an actor. He started his Architect profession when was twenty-two years old. All his life he dedicated it to designs and Architect. He was not married and was also not planning to. But he was thinking of retirement. He thought that his mind has given out all his ideas and it has come to the best of ideas

Hijacker who saved the day??


Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories



In the countryside of Australia was a small town called Berkish. Berkish was not so much developed compared to other cities of Australia but it had all necessities for people to survive. The climate remained cool and calm and the street used to remain quiet. Many people had migrated from that town in search of better opportunities. People don’t use bother anyone else in that town and were living by themselves and were passing their days. On one side of the town was a large field and in the center of it was a small house. Not big enough to for a large family but livable enough for two people. The field was large enough to land a plane in it. It was spread across miles of land. No crop was growing in that field and it had a large well.

On the balcony of that house was sitting a man who was looking at the sky glazing at the clouds and the birds and was wondering about the problem in which he had landed himself into.

Simon was a middle-aged man into his late forties, and he was a pilot. The house and the state were the ancestral property of his family and he just came back to it a few weeks back. When he was five years old his father along with the family had left the town as there was a water issue in that town and no crop could grow due to it. Thereafter Simon along with his parents and an elder brother migrated to the big city of Australia.

Simon did his higher studies at Weston University which was in Hemon. Hemon was one of the well-developed cities of Australia. At the age of twenty-five, he became a pilot and by the time he reached thirty, he was well settled and happy. He didn’t have many friends and he hadn’t talked to his brother since their parents’ demise and used to remain alone most of the time. He was happy with that and was enjoying his life. To pass the time he use to go to a nearby club for drinks and food. It was a famous club and many tourists visited that club.

One day when he was enjoying his food in that club, he listened to two people talking about the new private casino which has recently opened into their city. Simon always wanted to visit a casino but didn’t have time to visit one due to his busy schedule and there was no casino in his city. So couldn’t hold himself but asked the two strangers about the location of the new casino. Little he had known that was all the part of a master plan.

The two strangers had greeted Simon politely and asked him to join them. They told him about all the facilities and entry prices of that casino. They befriended him and told him that they are planning to go tomorrow and Simon can join them if he is free tomorrow. Simon never went to the casino so as it was his first experience he agreed.

The next day Simon along with his new friends went to the casino. The casino was in a lavish property and very few people were to be seen. They went inside a private poker room and started playing. Simon first played with a few dollars and by the time he started increasing his bet as he was winning, which is what the strangers had always wanted from the start. They were deliberately letting him win the game.

Within a few months, he became a regular member of that casino. He use to take leaves from his office and use to visit the casino and stay there for the day. He started betting huge amounts as he had loosed only a few times. One day when he was gambling he decided to bet all the winnings which he had won so far. The strangers saw this as a chance and defeated him in that game with the help of other players. The casino and the environment were a setup for Simon and all his winnings were a part of their plan. But why?? What they want from him was still a question??

Simon after losing his months winning was very sad. He couldn’t sleep at night thinking about what he had done wrong and how to get that money back. He was chatting about this with his new friends. He told them that those winning were much higher than all his life savings and even if he plans to bet with his savings, he couldn’t win that amount in a single game. That is when one of the strangers told Simon that he knew one man who could let him any amount of money. But he told him why you don’t take five or six-time your savings amount and win for the last time. That amount will be such huge that you can live your lavishly. Simon liked the idea as he badly wanted to win that lost money and his experience with the casino was also good.

After a few days, Simon took five million dollars from that stranger and promised to return it with interest. When he visited the casino, he couldn’t see anyone there that day. He found it a little bit strange but continued walking to the playing area. That day in that casino Simon lost all his life savings and was in huge debt under a stranger.

He was not able to grasp that situation and was completely lost. The next day when he woke up, he heard his doorbell ringing. When he opened the door there, he saw two tall and bald people who with force entered the house and were asking to return the money with interest which he took from their boss.

Simon begged them for forgiveness and told them that he would return that money to them in time. But the strangers took to him to their boss. The boss asked Simon to hijack a plane for him and do as instructed by his men. They were terrorists and from the start needed Simon to hijack a plane as he was a trained pilot. So now he was in a debt trap. They told him to go to his house and wait for their further instructions. When Simon came back home he packed his bags and to hide from his lenders he went to his ancestral property.

At present when Simon was sitting on the balcony thinking about all this, he saw two black big vehicles coming towards him. They were known other than the terrorist. Simon tried to hide but they found him and told him that if he tries to run again, they will kill him. They told Simon about their plan and which plan they want to him hijack, plane number, its new destination to land, how to tackle security, and everything.

The day came when this plan needs to be executed. Simon was nervous and terrified, but he smoothly boarded the flight. The plan was to capture one of the flight attendants with the help of a gun and take control of the plane's cockpit in exchange for the attendant’s life. But destiny had other plans.

When the flight was in the mid-air the pilot had a heart attack and the plane was too big to be handled by a single co-pilot. When the co-pilot announced the situation to others, everyone in that plane got terrified including Simon. Simon first wanted to save his life so he showed his pilot license to the co-pilot and helped him to land the plane in the nearby airstrip. Simon saw the situation as a signal from God. After landing he told about his situation to the police and all the incident which has happened with him and now with help of Simon police is trying to locate that terrorist. Simon's pilot license was snatched from him but know he didn’t have to face those terrorists and risk the lives of others. He might have to go to jail for some time as well because he illegally took a gun with him on the flight. But he will be rewarded to save the lives of passengers traveling on that plane.

Moral: Gambling is an addiction that has destroyed many lives. Play it carefully and don’t let it take control of you. Gamble only that amount of money which you can afford to lose. Whatever the situation maybe just try to keep your mind cool and try to find a legal way to get out of it.


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