
The Architect’s Treasure

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Samuel was a renowned Architect throughout the country. All his life he had built many beautiful houses and structures. He was famous for his unique and beautiful designs and thinking. He and his company had won many awards and titles. He was one of the best in his profession.

Samuel was a tall and muscular person. He was in his early fifties but was fit. He had blue eyes and some grey hair. He had a stunning personality with long beard and perfectly fitting clothes. One could easily consider him as an actor. He started his Architect profession when was twenty-two years old. All his life he dedicated it to designs and Architect. He was not married and was also not planning to. But he was thinking of retirement. He thought that his mind has given out all his ideas and it has come to the best of ideas it can deliver. He was thinking of retiring to a beautiful place with greenery with pure air and an awesome climate. He was also thinking of giving part-time lessons to the students.

One day early in the morning when he was having his breakfast after returning from the morning run. He heard his front doorbell. He left his unfinished breakfast to open the door. When he opened the door, he saw a man in an army uniform standing steady in Infront of him. That man greeted Samuel and asked his permission to come in. That man was General Tee. He was the chief commander of the army and was a very reputed person. Samuel was a bit shocked to see him but greeted and asked him to enter the house.

Samuel offered a cup of black coffee to General Tee and both sat on the sofa in the hall. General Tee told Samuel that he is going to retire next year. He had delivered all his life for the country but know he wanted to give something to his family. General Tee wanted Samuel to build him a perfect house which is a total masterpiece. It should showcase his personality. It should be the best among all his designs till now. It should be like a treasure which anyone would want. General Tee was filled with emotions while expressing his feelings for his new home.

Samuel wanted to say no as he was out of all his ideas. He was thinking that he already designed the best. But he didn’t want to upset the General. He told the General to give him some time before saying yes. General agreed and left. The whole day Samuel kept on thinking and was not able to eat properly. Finally, he made up his mind and told yes to the General on the phone. Samuel decided that this project will be his last and he thought that after designing a house for the reputed and liked General, he would be known by everyone and can even book a space for himself in history books.

All his day he kept on thinking about the idea. He made a few designs but rejected them as it was not good. He reflected on his old designs to find inspiration but they all were too good that it was very difficult to make a new one that will be better than them. A month had passed but he was not able to get an idea. Every day after getting up he would think of ideas for his design. Even during performing daily chores, he would never stop thinking, but it was no good. Finally, he decided to go to the mountains for some inspiration. He thought nature could help him with his new design of the General house.

He went to a nearby mountain and started climbing it. It was a tourist spot but at that time not many tourists were there. During his journey, he noticed many things. He saw a waterfall, butterflies. Beautiful flowers and birds. But all these things he had put in his older designs. He was not able to notice anything new. Finally, he got irritated and sat down on the ground under a tree. The cold wind started flowing and he felt somewhat relaxed. He closed his eyes for some time and when he opened his eyes, he saw something. He finally got his idea for the design of the General house.

A year had passed, and the new house was ready. Everyone including the media came to see the General house. When they were allowed to enter that area, they rushed towards the new house. But no one was more excited than General Tee and his family to see the new house. When they reached the house and saw it, they were a lit bit confused. The house was large and with all facilities. But it had an ordinary design compared to other Samuel’s designs. Samuel took a mic and started explaining his point of view on building that house.

Samuel told everyone just imagine how the beauty of the flowers is increased when we see some dry leaves beside it. This is what he saw in those mountains. Like those dry leaves, this ordinary house will act as a supporting structure to enhance the beauty of all his designs made to date. Anything which increases someone’s value is always the best and great. General Tee had dedicated all his life to others and not for his selfish motives. This house will be a perfect place for him and his family. Everyone started applauding including the General and his family. They all started praising Samuel and his new design. General Tee was very happy and thanked Samuel for all his efforts.


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