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The Architect’s Treasure

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories ENJOY!!!! *********************************************************************** Samuel was a renowned Architect throughout the country. All his life he had built many beautiful houses and structures. He was famous for his unique and beautiful designs and thinking. He and his company had won many awards and titles. He was one of the best in his profession. Samuel was a tall and muscular person. He was in his early fifties but was fit. He had blue eyes and some grey hair. He had a stunning personality with long beard and perfectly fitting clothes. One could easily consider him as an actor. He started his Architect profession when was twenty-two years old. All his life he dedicated it to designs and Architect. He was not married and was also not planning to. But he was thinking of retirement. He thought that his mind has given out all his ideas and it has come to the best of ideas

The flatmate – Suspense and thriller

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories



Rajesh had just passed out of his college and he was moving to the metro city in search of a job. He was invited to the metro city by one of his friends from college, who was also his senior during college days. He advised Rajesh to come and visit the metro city and search for a job as there are many big tech companies in that city. He also told Rajesh that he can stay in his room till the time he finds it comfortable to live in that city. He promised Rajesh to help him for securing a good job and to settle in that new city. Rajesh was in his early twenties with an average look with brown eyes and a slim body. By looking at him you can say he hadn’t combed his hair for many days. He was a timid person who doesn’t talk to anyone except when he needed anything. He was good in studies but was not able to secure college placement as he got ill at that time. He belonged to a lower-middle-class family. Rajesh’s father was a clerk in the government office and his mother was a housewife. He had one brother and one sister, both were younger than

him and were studying in school. He was now moving to the big city in search of a secure career.

When Rajesh reached the metro city. He was welcomed by his friend in the Railway-station. They both traveled to the room on a bike. When they reached the room, Rajesh’s friend showed him where he can sleep and all the important rooms of that house. He also helped Rajesh to settle in that room within a few days. Rajesh was now all settled and started searching for job opportunities online.

Rajesh found many job opportunities but was not able to secure an offer letter from any company. Sometimes he was not able to clear the qualifying exams and sometimes he was not able to crack the interview. This carried on for two months. He was continuously improving his skills and was preparing for it.

 Finally, he was able to secure a job in a big MNC. It was his first day in the office. After all the necessary formalities, he was taken to the training room. The training room was small and compact, it had two columns and five rows with computers on each table. It was packed except for the last row. Rajesh made himself comfortable in that row. After some time another person entered the training room and sat next to Rajesh. During the training, Rajesh was not able to find some things on his computer. He asked the person sitting next to him for some help. The person guided Rajesh and they both continued with their training.

At the end of the meeting, Rajesh thanked the person sitting next to him and introduced himself. The person sitting next to Rajesh also introduced himself. His name was Monty. They both talked a little and then went on their way. Monty was a well-built person. By looking at him you can say he is going to the gym daily.  For a few weeks, Rajesh and Monty casually talked to each other and spent most of the office time together. They were now close friends.

One day Monty asked Rajesh that if he knew any good property for rent in that city. The property in which he lives is very small and he is thinking to relocate. Rajesh told Monty that if he gets any information regarding any property for rent, he will let him know. That day when Rajesh reached his home, his friend and room partner told Rajesh that he has got a better job in another city and he will be leaving that room in one month.

Rajesh was shocked a bit but was also happy for his friend. He congratulated his friend and asked for a treat as well. They both talked for some time and then went to sleep. Rajesh however was scared to live alone in that big city. A week later when Monty met Rajesh, he told him that he had found a suitable property and will be shifting very soon. Rajesh told him about his friend and asked Monty that if he can stay with him in his flat.

Monty agreed as the flat was big and had two bedrooms. Rajesh was happy but he first informed Monty that he has a habit of smoking cigarettes. To this Monty replied that he can stay with him but whenever he wants to smoke, he must go outside the flat or go to the balcony. Monty also told Rajesh that he has lived with one of his friends in a flat in the past who used to smoke during college days. He has no problem living with him as well.

Within a month Rajesh and Monty had shifted to their new flat. Monty had a very kind and helpful nature. He used to help the people in society with small things. Even he used to buy groceries and other necessities for Rajesh as well when Rajesh was busy. He used to pay rent on time and did most of the daily house chores.

One day Rajesh saw that there is a sale on the cigarette packets when he visited a shop. The cigarette packets will be given at discounted price if anyone buys a whole lot. Rajesh thought that he can save a lot of money if he buys the whole cigarette packets for the next six months today. When he reached home, he told Monty to keep these cigarette packets with himself and give them one by one whenever he asks for them. Rajesh knew if he keeps these cigarette packets with himself, he will end up smoking all the cigarettes within one week. So, to control himself Rajesh gave them to Monty. Monty agreed and said that he should try to smoke a little less as it is dangerous for his health.

One day Monty got an emergency call from his hometown in the morning, and he left the flat by informing Rajesh that he might return in a week. Rajesh didn’t ask Monty about the emergency as Monty was in a big hurry. That night Rajesh was feeling the desire to smoke but only Monty knew where he had hidden Rajesh’s secret. Rajesh didn’t want to make a call as it might disturb Monty. He decides to go inside Monty’s room and search for the cigarettes all by himself. When he was searching Monty’s room for cigarettes, he found a hidden closet in the Almira. When he opened the closet, he was shocked to see what was inside. It was a GUN!!

The whole night Rajesh was not able to sleep. He was having several thoughts about Monty. He was thinking that Monty could be a terrorist or a criminal of any sort and he might harm him any day. Rajesh planned to leave the house first thing in the morning. When he opened the front door in the morning to leave. He was shocked to see Monty outside as he didn’t expect Monty to return so early. When Monty entered the flat, he saw the packed luggage of Rajesh. He asked Rajesh that if he is leaving for any emergency as well.

Rajesh could not control his emotions and thoughts. The gun from last night was roaming around his mind. He was angry and afraid at the same time, as he looked up to Monty and wanted to become like him. Rajesh told everything to Monty about last night in an angry and loud voice and he also told him that he didn’t want to live with any sort of criminal.

Monty was shaken for a bit, but he told Rajesh that I think it’s time for him to know the whole truth. He told Rajesh that he is an undercover agent of the government of India. He was assigned on a mission to catch a person who was giving jobs to undesirable candidates in the company by taking a huge amount of money as a bribe. Yesterday morning they have caught that person and it is time for him to leave that company as well the city. He also told Rajesh that he is telling all this to him as he has found a great friend in him and he believes in Rajesh that he will keep all this a secret. Rajesh was shocked after hearing the complete story. He had no words in his mouth. He was standing still in a place with his mouth open. 



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