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The Architect’s Treasure

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories ENJOY!!!! *********************************************************************** Samuel was a renowned Architect throughout the country. All his life he had built many beautiful houses and structures. He was famous for his unique and beautiful designs and thinking. He and his company had won many awards and titles. He was one of the best in his profession. Samuel was a tall and muscular person. He was in his early fifties but was fit. He had blue eyes and some grey hair. He had a stunning personality with long beard and perfectly fitting clothes. One could easily consider him as an actor. He started his Architect profession when was twenty-two years old. All his life he dedicated it to designs and Architect. He was not married and was also not planning to. But he was thinking of retirement. He thought that his mind has given out all his ideas and it has come to the best of ideas

Toothless Toothfairy


Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories



In the highest of skies and over the oceans between the whitest clouds was a fairyland. Home to several beautiful and prettiest tooth fairies. Their pale white skin was like a moving beam of light with black hair and blue eyes and the sweetest of voices. They were a beauty that no other creature would dare to match in that fairyland.

The fairyland was also home to unicorns, dwarfs, elves, and several other mythical creatures. In that fairyland lived a young and newly appointed tooth fairy who after many attempts became a tooth fairy. Her name was Tura. She never wanted to become a tooth fairy as she thought it was a boring and adventure job. She wanted to be free from her all that and wanted to have an adventure and have fun with her time. That is why she never studied and always use to fail in her exams. After many attempts, she cleared the exams. But most of the time she was in her dream world.

The tooth fairies use to collect the teeth of small children when their teeth use to fall off when a new tooth comes to them and provide their gold coins on behalf of it. So children use to keep their teeth under their people while going to sleep and when they were under a heavy sleep the tooth fairies would come and take those teeth from under their pillow and leave a gold coin. They use to collect all those teeth in the tooth bank of fairyland.

Now similarly Tura was appointed her first task to take a tooth from a child and leave a gold coin. She went to the child’s bedroom and looked under the pillow but when she saw the tooth of a child she was stunned. To her surprise, this small and weak tooth doesn’t deserve a gold coin. So, she came back empty-handed to the fairyland.

When she returned to fairyland, she was told by her supervisors to deposit the tooth in the tooth bank but when she told them that she came empty-handed and didn’t have the tooth they got shocked as no fairy has ever returned empty-handed. She told them about her views and why she didn’t bring the tooth. They got furious and told her that she should follow instructions and it is not her job to judge but just follow instructions. They wanted to terminate her from her job but as she was new and it was her first assignment, they decided to give her one more chance. But since it was a serious mistake, they suspended her for a few weeks and told her to understand and reflect on her mistake.

This news spread across the fairyland like fire and everyone started talking about it as it was the first incident of its kind. When Edward the notorious dwarf heard about it he thought of a plan. Edward was the middle-aged dwarf who always hated the fairies and was jealous of them. He use to think of ideas to trouble the faries. He even had several fail attempts to rob the tooth bank of fairyland.

 He came to meet Tuna when she was roaming in a park and by giving condolences to her she befriended her. Tuna after the suspension was upset but after meeting Edward and listening to him she was somewhat relaxed and happy.

During their conversation, Edward mention that whatever Tuna did was right and the fairies had no right to suspend her. She asked Tuna have you ever wondered if fairies can give a gold coin to such a weak and small tooth then what would they give for the tooth of a tooth fairy. Even a bigger and strong tooth fairy might come and meet her. A queen might also come.

As no one has ever tried it Tuna got fascinated and curious as well. This thought of Edward got stuck in the mind of Tuna and she was not able to divert her mind from it. She use to think about the queen all day. All she wanted was other fairies to recognize and praise her.

One fine day she thought of removing her tooth and keeping it under her pillow. At night she removed her tooth and did the same. But in the morning she realized that no fairy came to collect that tooth. She thought that the fairy might want another or more than one tooth and she planned to remove more than one tooth. She executed her plan in the night but no tooth fairy or gift was to be found the other day. It was soon she had realized that the dwarf had made a fool of her and know she was the ugliest of fairies in the fairyland.

Moral: Everyone who comes to you at the worst of times is not your well-wisher. They might plan to harm you. So you should not trust people easily and try to understand their plan. Whenever you make mistake try to reflect upon it and do not do it again.


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