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The Architect’s Treasure

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories ENJOY!!!! *********************************************************************** Samuel was a renowned Architect throughout the country. All his life he had built many beautiful houses and structures. He was famous for his unique and beautiful designs and thinking. He and his company had won many awards and titles. He was one of the best in his profession. Samuel was a tall and muscular person. He was in his early fifties but was fit. He had blue eyes and some grey hair. He had a stunning personality with long beard and perfectly fitting clothes. One could easily consider him as an actor. He started his Architect profession when was twenty-two years old. All his life he dedicated it to designs and Architect. He was not married and was also not planning to. But he was thinking of retirement. He thought that his mind has given out all his ideas and it has come to the best of ideas

Detective Osha the Owl

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories



It was a beautiful morning. There was a freshness in the air. The climate was cool and calm. Samaya the sparrow had just woke up. She saw her new eggs which she laid a week ago. The eggs were doing just fine. There was a week before the babies come out of it. She was feeling hunger. She got up and saw everywhere to know the situation. Everything was calm and she couldn’t see anyone around. She flew away from the nest in search of food.

She had a good meal but when she came back, she saw that one of her eggs was missing. She had laid a total of five eggs, but one egg was missing. She got tense and started searching here and there making loud noises. By listening to her voice an eagle came to see her and started asking questions. She explained everything and started crying. The eagle consoled Samaya and gave her a suggestion. The suggestion was to hire a detective. The eagle knew an owl who lived nearby and had solved a few cases. Samaya told the eagle that she would do anything to find her egg. So, they both went to the detective owl whose name was Osha.

Osha the owl was a young detective. He had just started his investigation journey. He wanted to become a great detective. He had solved a few cases. When Samaya and the eagle approached him, he was reading a book. Samaya told him everything. At first, he thought of not taking the case as he was approached by someone else for the case of lost diamonds. The loss of the diamond case can be a breakthrough for his career. But he saw the eyes of Samaya in which he saw love and affection towards her children. So he agreed and all of them left for the crime scene.

When Oslo reached the nest, he asked Samaya to tell every incident in a detailed manner that has happened his morning. Samaya started thinking about every detail and told Oslo every memory she can recover. Then Oslo took out his big magnifier glass to check every detail of the crime scene. He saw a small feather of black colour in the crime scene. That feather doesn’t have any resemblance with Samaya. He thought in his mind that this feather might belong to the suspect. When he was thinking all this his eyes fell on the eagle’s feather. He thought that the eagle might be the criminal.

He approached the eagle and started asking questions about relationships with Samaya and what was he doing during this incident. Eagle first got tensed a lit bit but answered every question of Oslo. Samaya also added that the eagle is very kind. He always helps others whoever needs him. Then Oslo asked Samaya asked who else know about your eggs and their location. Samaya told Oslo that apart from her husband which left her a few months ago only the eagle and a crow knows about her eggs. Oslo wanted to know more about the crow. So he asked Samaya can you tell me about this Mr. Crow more. Samaya told that she met this crow when she went to a nearby lake for water. She met him a few times and they have become friends.

Oslo to continue his investigation went to Mr. Crow’s house along with Samaya and the eagle. When they went to the crow’s nest, the crow could not be found anywhere. Oslo saw a haystack in a crow’s nest. When Oslo removed the haystack, he saw an eggshell hidden under it. When Samaya saw this, she started crying loudly and started cursing the crow. The eagle consoled her and told Samaya that they will surely give punishment to crow.

When the crow arrived, the eagle grabbed him and started cursing and beating him. Oslo got between them and asked him to remain calm. Crow was all confused. When Oslo asked the crow about the eggshell and Samaya’s baby. The crow replied that this morning he when to Samaya nest to meet her. She was not there but the eggshell was lying in her nest. He took the eggshell as he thought that Samaya won’t be needing it anymore.

Oslo asked the crow that means when you reached the nest, the egg was already broken. The crow replied yes. Some thought came to Oslo's mind and he started flying back to Samaya’s nest. He went straight to the bottom of the tree where the Samaya’s nest was located. He also searched the whole area and found Samaya’s baby somewhere in the bushes. He took the baby to the nest. When Samaya came back she hugged her baby. She was in relief. She thanked Oslo. Oslo then Samaya that her baby came out early of the egg and fell off the nest into the dense bushes which saved his life.



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