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The Architect’s Treasure

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories ENJOY!!!! *********************************************************************** Samuel was a renowned Architect throughout the country. All his life he had built many beautiful houses and structures. He was famous for his unique and beautiful designs and thinking. He and his company had won many awards and titles. He was one of the best in his profession. Samuel was a tall and muscular person. He was in his early fifties but was fit. He had blue eyes and some grey hair. He had a stunning personality with long beard and perfectly fitting clothes. One could easily consider him as an actor. He started his Architect profession when was twenty-two years old. All his life he dedicated it to designs and Architect. He was not married and was also not planning to. But he was thinking of retirement. He thought that his mind has given out all his ideas and it has come to the best of ideas


Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories



Ramesh was one of the many delivery executives who use to work for the food delivery industry. He was tall and thin. He looked like a weak person who hadn’t had their proper meal for many days. Ramesh was from the poor family background. He had lost his father when he was ten years old, his mother use to work as a maid and he had one brother and one sister. He was the eldest among all his siblings. So he had his family responsibility from a young age.

He was working part-time and was also completing his graduation along with it. He wanted a decent lifestyle in which his family could have anything they wanted. Ramesh’s brother and sister use to study in school and they didn’t work.

He use to deliver the food in an old vehicle that belonged to his father. He wanted a new one, but he can’t afford it. Many times the vehicle had stopped during delivery but Ramesh anyhow use to deliver that food on time. But he use to become so much exhausted that he was not able to get ready for the next delivery. He had to take a long break between two deliveries when his vehicle use to stop working properly.

In the morning when he use to leave for work or college, he use to spend ten rupees on poha or idle from a nearby stall, which didn’t fill his stomach but was enough to get him going. He use to leave his house early in the morning and didn’t want to trouble his family members for anything. At lunchtime, he use to have two bananas or a ten rupees meal and the same thing he use to do for dinner. Sometimes he use to have evening tea. He didn’t have any had habits of drinking alcohol or chewing tobacco products. He was a decent boy with dreams.

On the occasion of the companies tenth anniversary, the company had announced an incentive for the delivery executives who had or will be completing their regular 150 deliveries on time and without any customer complaints. Ramesh had completed his 149 deliveries and he was eligible for the incentive if he was able to complete this 1 last delivery. This incentive will be a huge help for Ramesh. He can buy a new vehicle for deliveries and can also solve some of his family problems.

One day when he was going for his last delivery, he saw a man lying on the road with blood coming from his head. People gathered around him were not helping him at all. Ramesh wanted to help that man but if he take that man to the hospital, he could lose his regular deliveries which took him six months to complete. On one hand, he had his incentive and on the other hand the life of that man. He selected the life of that man as he can earn his incentive in coming six or early but once the man losses his life he cannot come back.

Ramesh rushed towards the man and took him to the hospital in an auto. He waited there for 2 hours till the doctor operated on that man. The man was now out of danger but was not awake. When the family of that man came, Ramesh was shocked to see that one of the family members was the owner of the delivery company in which he was working. The man lying in the bed was the father of the delivery company owner. He thanked Ramesh and told him that his father went for a morning walk all alone and it might be a vehicle that had hit him on his way. He is now safe all because of him. He also asked Ramesh how he found his father and if there is anything he can do in return. Ramesh first declined his offer politely and then narrated the whole incident. By listening to Ramesh, the owner of the company found that Ramesh was not in a financially stable condition, and he was also a decent and hardworking boy. So he decided to buy him a new vehicle and also give him the incentive amount.


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