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The Architect’s Treasure

Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories ENJOY!!!! *********************************************************************** Samuel was a renowned Architect throughout the country. All his life he had built many beautiful houses and structures. He was famous for his unique and beautiful designs and thinking. He and his company had won many awards and titles. He was one of the best in his profession. Samuel was a tall and muscular person. He was in his early fifties but was fit. He had blue eyes and some grey hair. He had a stunning personality with long beard and perfectly fitting clothes. One could easily consider him as an actor. He started his Architect profession when was twenty-two years old. All his life he dedicated it to designs and Architect. He was not married and was also not planning to. But he was thinking of retirement. He thought that his mind has given out all his ideas and it has come to the best of ideas

A night in the call center - Thriller


Do check out my YouTube channel for more stories



Arjun was a struggling model. He was in his late twenties, a tall boy with a fit muscular body. After completing his graduation all he wanted was to become a successful model. He had won many competitions during his college days. Now all he wanted was a big break into the fashion world. He had given many auditions but all of it was of no use as this industry had many competitions. He was struggling for a few years and was also losing interest in it. His father who owned a small grocery shop back in his hometown was calling him back to work in that shop. Arjun’s father saw no future for Arjun in modeling, and he wanted Arjun to settle down and get married. Arjun was trying to remain positive and thought one day all his struggle would pay him for good.

Six months back he had joined a call center to earn his living and to pay his bill. It was a big MNC with less work pressure and with all facilities, an employee could hope for. Arjun use to work night shifts from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am. Around 1:00 am he use to take a tea break and go to a tea stall outside his office. He didn’t like the tea which was provided in his office. He never completed his assigned task within the allotted time and usually took his task for granted as he thought that call center jobs are easy to find and devoted most of his time wondering about his dream to become a model.

It was the night of 31st December and Arjun had to work in his office because he took many leaves through the year for a modeling audition. He was compensating for those leaves. He was alright with it as he had no New year plans and wanted more leaves next year for his modeling audition. Moreover there use to be hardly any call at that time of year as what he had heard from his colleagues. Arjun was a technical support provider and if any problem arrives in the home appliances, he use to provide customer support for it.

That night Arjun was sitting at his desk and was watching some online series on his mobile phone as he had no work to do at that time. He also saw a few people in their cubical. But most of the office was empty and a night guard was watching the entrance and exit. Around 1:00 am as usual he took his tea break and went down to have his tea. While he was walking towards that tea stall, he could feel the cold breeze. It was the coldest night of the year, streets were empty and it was pin-drop silence in the road. Not even the dogs were barking. When he reached the tea stall, he saw that it was close, so he went back to his office.

While going back to his office he could feel that someone was following him, but he was dead scared to look back and just started running towards his office. When he reached the office entrance, he took a break from running and also took a deep breath. He entered the office and planned to stay there the whole night thinking that this night should get over early so that he could go home in the morning. But this night was far from over and had plans for Arjun.

While sitting in his chair he thought about having coffee for a change. So he went to the coffee wending machine which was at one corner of the office. While going towards the machine he couldn’t see anyone in that office and remembered that there was also no security guard at the entrance. He finally reached the coffee machine and started making coffee for himself. He drank the coffee and went back to his desk.

When he returned to his desk, he saw a sticky note attached to the corner of his monitor, that said: “Getting Bored, wanna play a game”. He thought it was one of his colleagues and shouted yes with curiosity as he wanted to divert his mind. To his surprise, no one replied, he couldn’t see a single soul around. After some time he went to the washroom and in the mirror of the washroom was a paper attached saying ”You need to go back to your desk and call ten random people from the company network and when they reply hello you need to wish them a happy new year and hang up before they could say anything and then return to this paper and throw it in the dustbin, If you complete this task within three hours you will get a call from a big fashion company in the morning but be aware if you start this game and try to cheat you will get punishment and if you didn’t complete the task within the allotted time there will be consequences”.

Arjun was surprised a little but didn’t bother about it and went back to his desk. After some time, he decided to give it a shot as he didn’t have any work that night. He made his first call, but no one picked, his second call was picked but no one answered and finally, someone picked his third call and said hello, to which Arjun replied happy new year and before the stranger could reply anything, he hung up the call. That is how he started playing the game by wishing the first stranger. After wishing his third stranger he thought that someone was making a fool out of him and was making prank videos or something like that. So to stop this he went back to the washroom and threw that note in the dustbin to end the prank.

Just when he did that the water started coming out of the taps at a fast pace and he was not able to close them as those taps were automatic which opens when anyone puts their hand below it and closes when they remove their hand. He thought it was a technical fault and went towards the washroom door, but he was not able to open it and the water level started rising in the washroom and when he saw the mirror again the note was back in its place and not in the dustbin. He was not able to understand what was happening but knew if he didn’t do anything about it, he would surely drown in the water and die. He tried to call for help but no one answered and even his phone was not showing any signal. He decided to break the door and with his full power started pushing the door. At last with his full-body strength, he was able to break the door, then he ran towards to exit. But he was not able to find the exit door as if it never existed in the first place. He was trapped in the office surrounded by four walls.

He saw the clock on his mobile and already two hours had passed. He thought if this was the punishment then what might be the consequences if he didn’t complete the task in time. So he came back to his desk and started dialing numbers one by one. He was sweating and his hands were crumbling. He was afraid but wanted to complete the task to save his life. He managed to wish nine strangers and now only one stranger was left to be wished within five minutes. Five minutes was all he had to save his life.

This last call would decide his destiny. He dialed the number and waited for the other person to say hello but no one replied. There was no time to make another call. So he took the risk and said happy new year and hung up the call and ran towards the washroom and when he got there he threw the paper inside the dustbin. He was hesitating to see the time on his clock. All of a sudden the lights in the washroom and the office went off and all he was able to hear was telephone rings.

He opened his eyes and he was lying on his desk beside his company’s telephone which was ringing for a long time. He was filled with assurance and took a relief. All this time he was dreaming. He took a deep breath and answered the call. After discussing the issue and giving a solution to his problem the customer said happy new year to which he replied happy new year sir and then hung up the phone. It was almost morning and he was about to leave his office as his shift was going to end.

When he was switching off his monitor, he could feel something sticky at that part of the monitor as if someone attached a sticky note at that place and then removed it. When he was wondering about it at that time his mobile phone rang, it was an unknown number and when he replied to it the voice said “good morning sir sorry to bother you at this time but this was urgent as you have been selected as a model in our company and we wanted some papers of yours within few hours.

Arjun was surprised and was so much happy that he forgot everything and left everything and ran towards the road to grab a cab and collect his papers for the modeling agency. While traveling back to his home he started remembering about the night and about that last phone call. He had so many questions.

Was he able to make that last call? Was he dreaming? Or all this is a part of the consequences of not completing the game within the allotted time.


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